Senin, 11 Mei 2015

1998 Acura 3.5RL ENGINE PERFORMANCE Basic Diagnostic Procedures

1998 Acura 3.5RL ENGINE PERFORMANCE Basic Diagnostic Procedures - 1. Remove fuel tank filler cap. Listen for fuel pump operation noise at fuel tank filler. Fuel pump should operate for 2 seconds after ignition switch is turned on. If fuel pump operates as specified, fuel pump is okay. If fuel pump does not operate as specified, go to next step. 2. Turn ignition switch off. Remove rear seat or trunk floor to gain access to fuel pump connector. Disconnect fuel pump connector. Disconnect PGM-FI main relay connector. Connect a fused jumper wire between PGM-FI main relay connector FUEL PUMP fuse side terminal and fuel pump side terminal. See L – WIRING DIAGRAMS article. 3. Turn ignition switch on. Using a voltmeter connected to ground, check for battery voltage at fuel pump harness side connector. See L – WIRING DIAGRAMS article. If battery voltage is not present, check harness between fuel pump and FUEL PUMP fuse. Repair as necessary. If battery voltage is present, check fuel pump ground.

Repair as necessary. If ground is okay, replace fuel pump. PGM-FI MAIN RELAY Integra, 2.3CL, 2.5TL & 3.0CL 1. Remove PGM-FI relay, located under left side of instrument panel. Connect battery voltage to relay terminal No. 2. Connect terminal No. 1 to ground. See Fig. 1 . 2. Test for continuity between relay terminals No. 4 and 5. If continuity exists, go to next step. If continuity does not exist, replace relay. 3. Connect battery voltage to relay terminal No. 5. Connect terminal No. 3 to ground. Test for continuity between relay terminals No. 6 and 7. If continuity exists, go to next step. If continuity does not exist, replace relay. 4. Connect battery voltage to terminal No. 6. Connect terminal No. 1 to ground. Test for continuity between relay terminals No. 4 and 5. If continuity exists, relay is okay.

If continuity does not exist, replace relay. 1. Remove PGM-FI main relay located under left side of instrument panel. Connect battery voltage to relay terminal No. 4. Connect terminal No. 8 to ground. See Fig. 2 . 2. Test for continuity between relay terminals No. 5 and 7. If continuity exists, go to next step. If continuity does not exist, replace relay. 3. Connect battery voltage to relay terminal No. 6. Connect terminal No. 2 to ground. Test for continuity between relay terminals No. 1 and 3. If continuity exists, go to next step. If continuity does not exist, replace relay. 4. Connect battery voltage to relay terminal No. 3. Connect terminal No. 8 to ground. Test for continuity between relay terminals No. 5 and 7. If continuity exists, relay is okay. If continuity does not exist, replace relay.

Download : 1998 Acura 3.5RL ENGINE PERFORMANCE Basic Diagnostic Procedures

2 komentar:

Jorge mengatakan...

I need to help with the main relay.good post.very thanks for the information

Alma mengatakan...

This easy to Check the main relay.tnanks

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